Sunday, February 13, 2022

Post #6 (EOTO Response): The Carrier Pigeon

Though it sounds silly, the carrier pigeon was a revolutionary innovation in long-distance communication. Dating back several centuries B.C.E., these birds have been used for millennia to send messages over distances. In many ways, pigeon mail served as a precursor to today's postal systems, as extensive carrier pigeon networks were set up in many places as a means of easing communication. Perhaps more significantly, carrier pigeons quickly became a popular means of military communication. Not only did their use increase the rate at which messages could be conveyed over long distances, but the aerial nature of carrier pigeons would have also reduced the chances of a message being intercepted by land troops. In fact, this means of communication was so effective that carrier pigeons were still being used to transmit messages during the World Wars. Personally, I find it fascinating that something that is often viewed jokingly has been so influential in history. I was particularly surprised to learn just how recently carrier pigeons were in use. The last "pigeon post" center did not close until the early 2000s in India, as the internet mitigated the need for such a system. Even today, carrier pigeons are still used to smuggle messages into restricted areas. 

While carrier pigeons have undoubtedly benefitted society throughout the years, it is also clear that their use has had unintended consequences. Naturally, anything used for military communication also bears some level of responsibility for the carnage caused by military ventures, especially war. Today, some people still abuse the phenomenal abilities of these birds. Aside from bringing information to restricted areas, carrier pigeons have also been used to smuggle goods, including drugs. Ultimately, despite the negative consequences that have resulted from the use of carrier pigeons, I believe they have played an incredibly important role both in the history of communication and in the history of the world. 

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