Sunday, April 24, 2022

Final Post: Our Relationship with Technology


Like many relationships, my relationship with technology is a complex one. I use technology to educate myself, connect with friends, and stay up to date on current events. However, I can also admit that I probably spend too much time on my electronics, and technology can become a source of anxiety. Of all the things I do with technology, I spend the most time consuming media, like YouTube videos, podcasts, TV shows, or audiobooks. Personally, these forms of entertainment have always served as my way to escape everyday stresses. While I do spend a lot of time consuming this media, I am also fortunately capable of listening to one thing while doing another without losing the immersion of the experience. As a result, I can use this technology to make boring activities, like cleaning or washing dishes, an enjoyable experience that isn't a source of dread. That said, the same forms of entertainment can become a problem when I need to be able to focus on a single activity. I'm sure we've all said "Just on more episode...", then one turns into two turns into half a season. Unfortunately, my sources of stress relief can also became the cause of my anxiety when I realize I've procrastinated the other work I have to do. 

Based on my observations, I believe my relationship to technology is quite similar to that of my friends and family. In our daily lives, technology is a bit of a double-edged sword. I think most people can agree that it would be almost impossible to function efficiently in today's world without utilizing some technology. Indeed, my friends and I rely heavily on the Internet to complete school work, conduct research, and find entertainment. Likewise, my parents depend on technology in their jobs, especially since both of them work on teams with people based in different parts of the world. In this regard, technology is a wonderful tool that allows people to broaden their perspectives, educate themselves, and communicate with a diverse group of people.

That said, technology certainly takes its toll. As suggested in the Moby video, some would argue that technology has taken over our lives. In my own life and the lives of those around me, I can certainly say that this claim is not unfounded. Whether it's video games, television, or social media, most people I know overindulge in at least one form of technology. Naturally, overindulging in technology has ripple effects. For example, people may feel unproductive because they spend so much time consuming media via technology. In turn, these feelings of unproductiveness may impact mental health as a whole, such as triggering feelings of anxiety or depression. 

On a societal level, technology can have much broader impacts on general health. While it is true that technological advancements are allowing for great strides to be made in many industries, including medicine and mental health, research has also linked technology use negative health effects. For instance, the use of social media and mobile devices can cause strain on the eyes, difficulty focusing, sleep problems, issues associated with a sedentary lifestyle, and a host of mental health issues. These issues associated with technology overuse are particularly troubling when it comes to children, who may also suffer a variety of developmental delays. 

Ultimately, our relationship(s) with technology are incredibly nuanced. On one hand, technology permits us to do and learn a lot very efficiently. On the other hand, an argument can be made that technology has made us a lazier society, and it undoubtedly has adverse health consequences. The issue becomes even more complex when you try to consider what life would be like if we didn't have the technology that is available to us today. To part, I leave you with this question: how can you work to improve your own relationship with technology?

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Final Post: Our Relationship with Technology

  Like many relationships, my relationship with technology is a complex one. I use technology to educate myself, connect with friends, and s...